Created by Oatmeal
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Hello again,chap!
What a beautiful morning I had sleeping beauty covered by heavy raining condition... Yohooo! Cold air outside! And...laziness of waking up filled me on blue covered bed with Kitty on my side...wohooo! Whatta splendid time!
Shower time was REALLY cold! Feels like being stuffed in the ice cubes!!! Nak amek wudhu' pon menggigil! Hahaha...
Haahh...let's move to the 1st point..
Road condition was bad but not too bad as previously...along the way from Gombak to Jalan Kuching (DUKE Highway) was slow moving and crowded...Driving with manual car system made me wanna pull off my leg and changed to implant leg... *LOL*
Today's breakfast was Pizza! Yummy! I brought 3 slices and I only ate 2 out of 3 slices...because, I had a meeting on KPM's student (SPEED @ Taylor's) Meeting was great..we had a brain storm together with other staffs...but,as usual...lots of information in 1 time..SO PACK!!! Like a Milo Fuzz!!! Woohooooo!!! *bdusshhh*
Unfortunately,when too much of information received in 1 time,brain will facing a difficulties to absorb and stimulate those elements and as a result....BLURRRR!!!!
Hahahaha...(I'm creating my own theory for this----LOL)
Well,as long I'm happy with it..yeah,it's fine...
Ok,then..till now...
See ya!
What a beautiful morning I had sleeping beauty covered by heavy raining condition... Yohooo! Cold air outside! And...laziness of waking up filled me on blue covered bed with Kitty on my side...wohooo! Whatta splendid time!
Shower time was REALLY cold! Feels like being stuffed in the ice cubes!!! Nak amek wudhu' pon menggigil! Hahaha...
Haahh...let's move to the 1st point..
Road condition was bad but not too bad as previously...along the way from Gombak to Jalan Kuching (DUKE Highway) was slow moving and crowded...Driving with manual car system made me wanna pull off my leg and changed to implant leg... *LOL*
Today's breakfast was Pizza! Yummy! I brought 3 slices and I only ate 2 out of 3 slices...because, I had a meeting on KPM's student (SPEED @ Taylor's) Meeting was great..we had a brain storm together with other staffs...but,as usual...lots of information in 1 time..SO PACK!!! Like a Milo Fuzz!!! Woohooooo!!! *bdusshhh*
Unfortunately,when too much of information received in 1 time,brain will facing a difficulties to absorb and stimulate those elements and as a result....BLURRRR!!!!
Hahahaha...(I'm creating my own theory for this----LOL)
Well,as long I'm happy with it..yeah,it's fine...
Ok,then..till now...
See ya!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Wooo! Trafic condition was pretty bad..luckily,I managed to get home less than 1 hour..fuhh! While I'm driving back to go home,I listened to Fly FM..and surprisingly,segment "Wake Up Your Brain" is still on with the same question, as above matter! Oh,no! It has been almost 3 months! And the prizes has jumped up to RM6500!
None of Malaysians are able to answer it,I was thinking to do some research on the question and...yeah,perhaps could do something...hehehe!
These are the wrong answers that appeared in Fly FM website...
So...I had listed down few habits here which one of it might be the answer...might be,I'm not sure yet..heheh! Let's have a look on this chart...
1. Driving
Wooo! Trafic condition was pretty bad..luckily,I managed to get home less than 1 hour..fuhh! While I'm driving back to go home,I listened to Fly FM..and surprisingly,segment "Wake Up Your Brain" is still on with the same question, as above matter! Oh,no! It has been almost 3 months! And the prizes has jumped up to RM6500!
None of Malaysians are able to answer it,I was thinking to do some research on the question and...yeah,perhaps could do something...hehehe!
These are the wrong answers that appeared in Fly FM website...
1. Beat the traffic light
2. Farting
3. Drinking water after waking up
4. Drive
5. Perfume
6. Answering phone in the morning
7. Must drinking coffee in the morning
8. Cluttering
9. Wash hand before eating
10. Pick nose in public
11. Squeeze toothpaste from the center of tube
12. Sleep on their sides
13. Shake their legs
14. Procrastinate
15. Do not check engine oil and water
16. Snake before meals
17. Eat breakfast
18. Weight themselves
19. Update Facebook via phone
20. Say good morning
21. Wear glasses
22. Swear
23. Wash feet before bed
24. Eat vegetables
25. Bite fingernails
26. Stretch upon waking up
27. Wake up in Asia
28. Tell lies
29. Watch TV
30. Take their vitamins
31. Mobile phone registered users
32. Use toilet paper
33. Forget to switch off lights
34. Knuckle cracking
35. Play online games
36. Check personal email
37. leave PC on stand by
38. Rush to work
39. Go to Internet
40. Not sticking to healthy diet
41. Lounging on couch after work
42. Make purchase with credit card
43. Taking a nap in the afternoon
44. Check handphone straight after waking up
45. Get off the right side of the bed
46. Watching TV
47. Do not flush toilet
48. Send SMS
49. Not waking up after alarm clock
50. Drive to work place
51. Say I love you to family members
52. Used public transport
53. Look at saved photo
2. Farting
3. Drinking water after waking up
4. Drive
5. Perfume
6. Answering phone in the morning
7. Must drinking coffee in the morning
8. Cluttering
9. Wash hand before eating
10. Pick nose in public
11. Squeeze toothpaste from the center of tube
12. Sleep on their sides
13. Shake their legs
14. Procrastinate
15. Do not check engine oil and water
16. Snake before meals
17. Eat breakfast
18. Weight themselves
19. Update Facebook via phone
20. Say good morning
21. Wear glasses
22. Swear
23. Wash feet before bed
24. Eat vegetables
25. Bite fingernails
26. Stretch upon waking up
27. Wake up in Asia
28. Tell lies
29. Watch TV
30. Take their vitamins
31. Mobile phone registered users
32. Use toilet paper
33. Forget to switch off lights
34. Knuckle cracking
35. Play online games
36. Check personal email
37. leave PC on stand by
38. Rush to work
39. Go to Internet
40. Not sticking to healthy diet
41. Lounging on couch after work
42. Make purchase with credit card
43. Taking a nap in the afternoon
44. Check handphone straight after waking up
45. Get off the right side of the bed
46. Watching TV
47. Do not flush toilet
48. Send SMS
49. Not waking up after alarm clock
50. Drive to work place
51. Say I love you to family members
52. Used public transport
53. Look at saved photo
So...I had listed down few habits here which one of it might be the answer...might be,I'm not sure yet..heheh! Let's have a look on this chart...
1. Driving
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Urgent Matters!

HOWEVER......I cannot ensure to my team whether will they (despatch) deliver those boxes by tomorrow or not..and so do them! They even cannot give me the approximate time! Haiyaaa....

Finally,all the misery,distress,worries like hell...DONE! Fuhh! I can breathe easily for today. Alhamdulillah..Anyway,this story is about Pos Malaysia and Taylor's University...haha!
Here's how this story begin...
My manager and big boss will have to go to Kuching which was yesterday. They have packed those items to bring on last week but unfortunately,it was TOO heavy and Pos Malaysia refused to pick up the 2 boxes. Then,we (me and my colleague) were told by our manager to repack those boxes again and make it to 4 we did...REPACK IT AGAIN..
We spoke to one of the staff in charged in this matter and requested that 4 boxes to be picked up on Wednesday before 3pm. However,I do not have any idea why the boxes were not been picked up on that day and I also do not know how's the communication being conveyed in this situation...*-_-*
And the best part was that despatch came to pick up those boxes on the next day which was Thursday and my my manager's flight was on the same day at 9.55pm..was sound like H***??
I was kinda panic and worried because those items will be used for their exhibition in Kuching and what they're supposed to without any references or even leaflet???? It actually will come back to us as we had 1stly portrayed the not-so-good image to public especially clients...Fuhh!!!

Yeah...The best thing to do was to call them,those who involved!
And I make phone called to Riverside Majestic Hotel,MAS,despatch,customer service Pos Malaysia in KL,the account manager,Pos Malaysia in Glenmarrie,Pos Malaysia in PJ,Pos Malaysia in Kuching which located at Satok and Jalan Kempas and they gave me another number specially for delivery!!! Whattahell??!!
Damn me! I'm in soooo in trouble....*Yelling while running round and round*
Luckily,I have a friend who work in KLIA (not sure which dept) but I'm begging him to help me to get info's on Flight to Kuching on 18th March 2011..I still kept the flight number...hehehe!
MH 2504 : KL - Kuching (8am - 10am)
MH 2564 : KL - Kuching (10am - 11.50am)
HOWEVER......I cannot ensure to my team whether will they (despatch) deliver those boxes by tomorrow or not..and so do them! They even cannot give me the approximate time! Haiyaaa....
So,I told myself to just wait for any news update since there's nothing I can do if I keep waiting at my desk...
Today is Friday...i love Friday so much because it is the 5th day in a week!!! *need to work's Taylor's Open Day!*
This morning I continued the journey to find those boxes whether it is still in airport or in Kuching...the calls begin again and again...I'm happy to know that it has been arrived in Kuching but not yet out for delivery session...I called Pos Malaysia Kuching again and gave the tracking number of the box and also,I had put a request to deliver those boxes by 12 noon today as it is very urgent and important...
The good news finally here! I made a phone called to the hotel at 11.06am to locate where are those boxes...and...they have recieved it!!! Yea!!! Yea!!!
*Jumping and running*
I can now breathe easily...!!!!

A Warm Welcome to Taylor's University!
Hey there...
I've neglected this for so long time...not really so..but,yeah..for quite some time...
So,this is the story...
"A Warm Welcome to Taylor's University"
Officially,I am Taylorian now! Wohooo....!!!
I entered and reported duty on 9th March 2011 whic was on last Wednesday. At first,I was so scared and kinda nervous entering this new industry with a huge building. I am so interested to share with you about the looks of the building's huge and very modern or I can say elegant in style..It is like Taylor's have their own pathway,building,restaurants including facilities.
And...the people! Oh,God! I just love to stare at the people in here! Girls are so pretty and beautiful and stylo! Walaweyh...!
And the guys are pretty much in good looking and cute! ;p,let's move on to my job scope as Marketing Executive in Taylor's University...
Basically,I'm more into Roadshows which actually to promote all students especially school leavers to further their studeis at this's like doing and organizing events which I really like..but this time around,events or I prefer to call it as Roadshow,will be almost every week especially before the starting intake...My God!
It sounds pretty much hectic,however,I believe I can gain and learn something in here...
Let's move on to "staff" criteria..My department was the only department with full of Malays while the rest are Chinese and minority Indians too..and it has been so good to have a good team members where they are able to help and teach you in any ways in order to understand the product and Taylor's itself...I feel very lucky and pleased to have them as a team since they are really kind,friendly,sweet,caring and funny at all time... ;p
And,The spirit they have in here is totally different from my previous experience..they're good and hardworking and most of them are workaholic! They delivered their task perfectly and it motivated me to be one of them too...I'm enjoying my priviledge time to get a chance to know each one of them...
Next,is the attitude..I never assume or even imagine what is going to be like having to work in the company where most of Chinese conquer the post...however,since I entered this university,I managed to learn one thing that relates me to pepatah Melayu...
"Masuk kandang kambing,mengembek...Masuk kandang harimau,mengaum.."
The situation exactly same in here...
I'm working with most of the Chinese and therefore I need to follow their pace of working which are fast-learner,hardwork and commitment...
There are no sweet time or so called honeymoon-working-time in Taylor's University...everybody were busy completing each task and chase for the deadlines!
So do I..previously when I was in government sector,the load of work and the deadlines was not like this but now,I guess changing our perspectives and thoughts as we have moved to other culture is important...and I believe in myself...also,as long we did our job done and delivered every task given perfectly,Insyallah...Allah will be with us...
So long till now...
Next issue will be much interesting!
Keep on track,babes!
I've neglected this for so long time...not really so..but,yeah..for quite some time...
So,this is the story...
"A Warm Welcome to Taylor's University"
Officially,I am Taylorian now! Wohooo....!!!
I entered and reported duty on 9th March 2011 whic was on last Wednesday. At first,I was so scared and kinda nervous entering this new industry with a huge building. I am so interested to share with you about the looks of the building's huge and very modern or I can say elegant in style..It is like Taylor's have their own pathway,building,restaurants including facilities.
And...the people! Oh,God! I just love to stare at the people in here! Girls are so pretty and beautiful and stylo! Walaweyh...!
And the guys are pretty much in good looking and cute! ;p,let's move on to my job scope as Marketing Executive in Taylor's University...
Basically,I'm more into Roadshows which actually to promote all students especially school leavers to further their studeis at this's like doing and organizing events which I really like..but this time around,events or I prefer to call it as Roadshow,will be almost every week especially before the starting intake...My God!
It sounds pretty much hectic,however,I believe I can gain and learn something in here...
Let's move on to "staff" criteria..My department was the only department with full of Malays while the rest are Chinese and minority Indians too..and it has been so good to have a good team members where they are able to help and teach you in any ways in order to understand the product and Taylor's itself...I feel very lucky and pleased to have them as a team since they are really kind,friendly,sweet,caring and funny at all time... ;p
And,The spirit they have in here is totally different from my previous experience..they're good and hardworking and most of them are workaholic! They delivered their task perfectly and it motivated me to be one of them too...I'm enjoying my priviledge time to get a chance to know each one of them...
Next,is the attitude..I never assume or even imagine what is going to be like having to work in the company where most of Chinese conquer the post...however,since I entered this university,I managed to learn one thing that relates me to pepatah Melayu...
"Masuk kandang kambing,mengembek...Masuk kandang harimau,mengaum.."
The situation exactly same in here...
I'm working with most of the Chinese and therefore I need to follow their pace of working which are fast-learner,hardwork and commitment...
There are no sweet time or so called honeymoon-working-time in Taylor's University...everybody were busy completing each task and chase for the deadlines!
So do I..previously when I was in government sector,the load of work and the deadlines was not like this but now,I guess changing our perspectives and thoughts as we have moved to other culture is important...and I believe in myself...also,as long we did our job done and delivered every task given perfectly,Insyallah...Allah will be with us...
So long till now...
Next issue will be much interesting!
Keep on track,babes!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Twists into Side Flip | Cute Girls Hairstyles
This is so sweet!
I'm looking further to do this tomorrow....!!!!
10 Easy, Quick Everyday Hairstyles - Medium hair to Long hair
I really love to watch this video because it gives me a lil' bit of ideas and moreover,I'm gonna start a new work next week!
Hairstyle for Long Hair
Long hair brings such a girly look for those who really knows how to make over it. Having a long grew hair makes me think like being alive and each day will bring a different mood and I just love the sensational looks. Well,it does depending on how you make over your hair but as for me,when I was out of idea,I like to make some research through YouTube.
I never loves to 'YouTube'ing before...and I'm not even a big fan of YouTube at all...
But,now,I found out that this website is really,really useful and it some kind like a tutorial for you to learn everything...from baking to make up...from musics to hairstyles...and lot's more!
I finally found myself enjoying scrolling and visiting this websites and it has been like my daily website!
This week,my mood are most about learning from the web! As you can see,on my previous posts,I enclosed to you some videos on learning skills...and again,I'm gonna do the same thing after this but I guess only for the short period since I'm looking for a good topic to discuss with. Hehehe!
So,I hope you guys will enjoy yourself on my next post.
Thank you!
Long hair brings such a girly look for those who really knows how to make over it. Having a long grew hair makes me think like being alive and each day will bring a different mood and I just love the sensational looks. Well,it does depending on how you make over your hair but as for me,when I was out of idea,I like to make some research through YouTube.
I never loves to 'YouTube'ing before...and I'm not even a big fan of YouTube at all...
But,now,I found out that this website is really,really useful and it some kind like a tutorial for you to learn everything...from baking to make up...from musics to hairstyles...and lot's more!
I finally found myself enjoying scrolling and visiting this websites and it has been like my daily website!
This week,my mood are most about learning from the web! As you can see,on my previous posts,I enclosed to you some videos on learning skills...and again,I'm gonna do the same thing after this but I guess only for the short period since I'm looking for a good topic to discuss with. Hehehe!
So,I hope you guys will enjoy yourself on my next post.
Thank you!
I think everybody does had a complicated time where you need to choose only one hairstyle that suits you...the same situation happen to me now...I grew my hair longer just because to try every trick that makes we look pretty...but,on the other hand,I also admire to have a short hair... shoulder level that will gives a young,I took few pictures of Selena Gomez and few more celebrities and...trying to compare which hair style suits me before I made a BIG decision...
Long Hair Style...

Short Hair Style...

I think everybody does had a complicated time where you need to choose only one hairstyle that suits you...the same situation happen to me now...I grew my hair longer just because to try every trick that makes we look pretty...but,on the other hand,I also admire to have a short hair... shoulder level that will gives a young,I took few pictures of Selena Gomez and few more celebrities and...trying to compare which hair style suits me before I made a BIG decision...
Long Hair Style...

Short Hair Style...

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