Monday, February 28, 2011

Hair Tutorial Ribbon-shaped Up-do 髪でリボン編 ロングヘアアレンジ

I Love This!
Exactly like in fairy tales...
Aww...It reminds me of Cinderella...

Dutch Braid Headband with Corsage by hair 裏編みこみカチューシャと髪でお花編

This is nice for dating,attending dinner or any events...
It looks really sweet...

Hair Tutorial French Twist  簡単夜会巻き編 ロングヘアアレンジ

I really love to do this!
I even do it almost everyday when i first found out how...
And,I kept my hair longer because I just love to try those hair trick!
Pretty Amazing!

Harajuku, Jepitan Rambut, Model Rambut, Sanggul Rambut, Bando Rambut, Ga...

OMG! Look!
It seems very easy to use this!
I'm gonna get at least one for me...!