Friday, December 31, 2010


1. Get back my normal shape!
I know this is such funny thing for those who really,really knows me. I just love to eat so much! I enjoyed eating varieties of food especially we live in Malaysia. Wohooo!!! Heaven siot!!!
I didn't realize the result before this body looks like boiled potato!!! HAHAHAH!
Can't believe I'm criticized myself!
So,on year of 2011,I plan to get my normal shape back! I want to wear my S size for clothes and 26 for pants/jeans.

2. Live a healthy lifestyle
Well,well,well.... I know eating habits brought you to a dangerous zone of your body health...
The more you eat, the more things to be cared for. And I was thinking, to get the normal shape back,I need to control my eating habit. Thus, it's similar if I choose to live a healthy lifestyle...

3. Control my eating habits =)
Yeah... I need to stop this... Not exactly stop but control that habit. Or else, I can't get my normal shape back!!! Hehehe!

4. Lose weight (if possible 45kg-49kg)
Yea!!! This is one of the important thing!!! If I manage to get back my normal shape, it means that it's possible for me to lose my weight... Hmmm, let's just see the result ok... =)

5. Mendalami agama
Ok... This is serious. I know I have been a bad Ummat to Allah SWT.
And,as we will enter the new year, I would like to take this opportunity to put this in one of my list. I am working on it, to complete, at least try to make it happen rather than just ignore it.
Ya Allah... Tolonglah hamba-Mu ini....

6. Khatam Quran
I rarely touch Quran since I Khatam. That was almost 7 years back. So, before it's too late, I wanna make some changes.

7. Stick to one job/career
I am jobless now. I didn't appreciate what I had before... And now, I realize it is very tough to get a job especially when you do not have the experiences... Thus, I decide in my mind, if I ever get any job, I will promise to myself to stick with it, love it, do it and success in it.

8. Save money as much as can (approximately RM4000 a year)
Oh... This is very much important for me... I wanna get married!!! So, I need to have my save...
This is my start... At least RM300 per month.

9. Pay PTPTN
Sensitive! Please pay! Please pay! I plan to pay RM100 per month... However, if I have extra cash, I may need to pay more that RM100. Cepat habis lagi senang!

10. Read 10 books a year
I can do this! I can do this! I must do this!
I will update later ok...

11. Be more matured
Erm... Not sure from which part but this is appeared in my mind right now...

12. Control shopping!!!
I am not a shopaholic but the thing is I can't see any discount on shoes!!!
Need to control ok... Hehehe!

13. Think positive as much as can
Hmmm, I guess, there's no need for me to explain on this matter...

14. Be patient in every aspects
Oh! This is one of the important thing as well! I mean, I had been very hot-tempered before and hence, I can't just stay on that... I need to be cool... It's for my health too...
Friends, Please help me on this....

15. Be nice to my boyfriend
Hmm... Need to change this too... Even if he's annoying...
*sigh* OK... I'll do it...

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