Saturday, May 18, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Cara Melakukan Solat Istikharah
Solat Sunat Istikharah
Solat ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan petunjuk, terutama bila seseorang dalam keraguan memutuskan mana yang terbaik diantara dua perkara yang diragukan. Jika timbul keraguan dalam hati untuk memilih atau mengambil keputusan dalam sesuatu perkara, contohnya: apakah aku harus menolak atau menerima? Keraguan makin terasa, keputusan tidak dapat dipastikan setelah melihat masing-masing ada kelebihan dan keburukannya.
Oleh yang demikian, hendaklah menyerahkan pada Yang Maha Kuasa untuk memilihnya. Sebelum seseorang mengambil keputusan ia dianjurkan solat istikharah dua rakaat.
Dengan mengharapkan agar ditunjukkan Allah untuk mendapatkan pilihan yang terbaik. Jika keraguan masih mempengaruhi fikiran untuk menentukan pilihan, ulangilah solat istikharah dan membaca doanya, walaupun pengulangan sampai 7 kali berturut-turut. Selepas itu, bertawakkal kepada Allah, pilihlah salah satu daripadanya, ambillah yang mana arah ‘hati’ lebih cenderung setelah berdoa. Jangan menimbulkan lagi keraguan, yakinlah bahawa itu adalah pilihan terbaik dari yang Maha Kuasa.
Jangan merasa kecewa andai ternyata dalam keputusan yang dipilih menimbulkan keinginan yang tidak disukai. Ingatlah bahawa ini adalah yang telah digariskan pada azali yang tidak dapat dielakkan, besar kemungkinan mengandungi hikmah, membawa kebaikan dimasa akan datang, hendaklah tetap mempunyai husnuz-zan kepada Allah.
Tata Cara Solat Istikharah
Tata cara solat istikharah lebih kurang sama dengan solat subuh, Hanya niatnya saja yang berlainan, iaitu berniat solat istikharah. dilaksanakan sebelum tidur ataupun setelah bangun tidur. Sangat baik dilakukan sesudah lewat tengah malam disaat sunyi, supaya hati lebih khusyuk dalam mengemukakan permohonan kepada Allah. Solat ini sangat peribadi sifatnya. Sebab itu harus dikerjakan sendirian. Solat ini tidak memakai azan atau iqamah.
Lafaz niat:-
Ushalli Sunnatal Istikharaati Rak’ataini Lillahi Ta’aala
Sahaja Aku sembahyang sunnat istikharah 2 rakat tunai kerana Allah Ta’ala
Rakaat pertama-
Baca surah Al-fatihah dan surah Al-kafirun
Rakaat kedua-
Baca surah Al-fatihah dan surah Al-ikhlas
Selepas salam, bacalah doa yang disarankan dalam istikharah.
Dalam berdoa sebaiknya menyebutkan permintaan yang ingin diberikan petunjuk oleh Allah s.w.t. misalnya: “Ya Allah, jika hal ini….(sebutkan namanya)”
Doa istikharah
Setelah selesai solat, berdoa seperti yang dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW:
Allaahumma inni astakhiiruka bi’ilmika, wa astaqdiruka biqudratika wa as aluka min fadhlikal azhiim. Fa innaka taqdiru wa laa aqdiru, wata’lamu wa laa a’lamu, wa anta allaamul ghuyuub.
Allaahumma inkunta ta’lamu anna haadzal amra khairun lii fii diinii wama’aasyii wa ‘aaqibati amrii, ‘aajili amrii wa aajilihi faqdurhu lii wa yassirhu lii tsumma baarikliifiihi. Wa inkunta ta’lamu anna haadzal amra syarrun lii fii diinii wa ma’aasyii wa ‘aaqibatu amrii ‘aajili amrii wa aajilihi fashrif annii washrifni ‘anhu waqdur liyal khairahaytsu kaana tsumma ardhinii bihi, innaka ‘alaa kulli syai-in qadiir
“Ya Allah, aku memohon petunjuk memilih yang baik dalam pengetahuanMu, aku mohon ditakdirkan yang baik dengan kudratMu, aku mengharapkan kurniaMu yang besar. Engkau Maha Kuasa dan aku adalah hambaMu yang dhaif. Engkau Maha Tahu dan aku adalah hambaMu yang jahil. Engkau Maha Mengetahui semua yang ghaib dan yang tersembunyi.
Ya Allah, jika hal ini (***) dalam pengetahuanMu adalah baik bagiku, baik pada agamaku, baik pada kehidupanku sekarang dan masa datang, takdirkanlah dan mudahkanlah bagiku kemudian berilah aku berkah daripadanya.
Tetapi jika dalam ilmuMu hal ini (***) akan membawa bencana bagiku dan bagi agamaku, membawa akibat dalam kehidupanku baik yang sekarang ataupun pada masa akan datang, jauhkanlah ia daripadaku dan jauhkanlah aku daripadanya. Semoga Engkau takdirkan aku pada yang baik, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas setiap sesuatu.”
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The Death
I don't know where to start all this... I am glad that this year will be our 4th year anniversary... However, things are not falling into the right place... We kept arguing about the same thing over and over again... You don't know what a suitable action to take until you really, really cannot cope with it... So,early this evening, for the first time I've been seriously asking for a break up... It's not because of the difference between us... It's not about I found another man... And,it's not about me getting bored of you from time to time...
Before I tend to forget all of our sweet and meaningful memories, let me put them all in words,so that I can always come drop by here and read it,even though if it has to be over and over again... I will never get bored of it because I never get bored of you too... I want you to know that I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH than my own self... I want you to know that you're the biggest thing happened in my life... You shined my life, you gave me a new hope whenever I'm in a dark clouds... You poured the rain when I'm in burning fire... You are my man...
I remembered the first time we met... It was so funny when our friends tried to matchmaking us... Both of us were embarrassed by every joke they've made... I remembered the first time you asked me for a date where it started with a dinner... Then,we started to meet regularly as our house was just nearby... And,the most amazing moment was that when you sang me a song from Indie Band at the stairs outside... I missed that moment... And also,thank you for driving me to the the bank when my car broke down... Thank you for taking care of me too... Coz you always volunteered yourself to accompany me to McD Drive Thru,even at 3am in the morning - you will choose to have Apple Pie,your fav (we both know we have classes next morning) - Something I couldn't just forget...
I remembered when I was busy doing my assignments until I forgot my lunch and dinner time. You came, standing in front of the door,knocking it,with the food in your hands... You said that was for me since I haven't eating yet... How sweet... You made me fall in love with you by doing all of things that I never expect would happened to me... Thank you for that... Not just that,you were the one who again volunteered yourself to accompany me when I'm about to print my assignments...
And,when I get sick or even headache,you came with medicine and koyok and minyak kapak... I remembered when I was suspected to have Illness Like Influenza (ILI) you were the one who lifted me up from level 3 to your car,because I am not be able to walk... You drove me home... You took a good care of me,no matter what...
And,I remembered during that time,you will hold my hands no matter where we go... It was like you were proud to have me by your side... There were times you touched my nose and ran your fingers through my hair... I must tell you that I love the way you ran your fingers through my hair... I felt the strongest of love feeling from you whenever you did that...
I remembered when you were working part-time at Burger King Shah Alam,you were willingly came to my house just to see me... I love that effort you made... I remembered on my 23rd birthday,you bought me a rose,the red one(even though it was only one but I like it) and brought me to i-City to see the colourful lights... It was a surprise for me,seriously it was...and I was so happy on that day...
But... As we go along the way... When I stepped into working-world and so did you,everything changed... Not drastically but slowly the memories gone... Sometimes,we tried to bring it back into our life but it doesn't last long... We regularly had arguments and quarrelled... Sometimes,we yelled at each other and cried...
That will be my question. How can we become like this when we're supposed to love each other more and more each day... Sometimes,you are more with your friends rather than me... Thinking that conversations in phone and SMSes will work enough but,unfortunately it is not... The concept is that you cannot lose weight if you exercise and eat those fatty food...
Huh.... My tears ran fast while I wrote this... I just cannot stand to have an argument with you again and again... Because I love you... Because you're the man in my life... Because I wanted you to be my husband one day... Because I don't want to lose you... But,at the same time... I cannot live with this way too... I just want to have the old you,please.... I missed the old you..
If so happened,we broke up... I want you to know that I will never forget the existence of you in my life... Your sweet talk,your skin,your breathe,your smell,your eyes and everything in you... I wished I could turn back time so I cold live with all of our sweet memories...
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